Learn to Make the Best Use of Facebook Video Maker

Best Facebook video maker - ProVideo, Try Facebook video templates, Facebook video page template

Facebook is the largest social media platform with almost 2.45 billion users per month. This number matters a lot if you are a content creator online. The content consumption will be more. And the best form of content consumption is videos.  Using videos for Facebook posts, ads and more can prove to be fruitful as a content creator. With ProVideo Facebook video maker, you can create videos for Facebook in no time!

In this write-up, we will tell you everything from how a Facebook video helps to how to create one using ProVideo. Also, bonus tips!

Let’s get started!

How Does a Facebook Video Help? 

1. A Facebook video is the best way to market your brand because they catch the attention of the viewers in the best way.

2. A brand becomes known by its social media campaigns, ads, and the kind of videos they share. Hence, making videos is a good move.  

3. A simple video slideshow of photos showcasing the idea behind your brand can also go a long way. So simply make a Facebook video from photos, put together in an aesthetic manner, and there you go!

How to Utilize ProVideo Facebook Video Maker?

Now you know how important it is to play around with the Facebook videos. If you are keeping a social media calendar for your reference, include Facebook video posts along with photos.

Now the question remains- how to create a Facebook video? Well, that is simple! We have the ProVideo with impeccable Facebook video templates, video editing tools, and features. 

Here are the steps you need to follow to make a video ad, video post, or whatever you like for Facebook using ProVideo.

Step 1: Choose a Template 

Firstly, open the ProVideo iOS app or visit ProVideo Web.

Choose a suitable template in the right layout. ProVideo has a lot of creative dynamic templates that you can use to make your Facebook video.

Make sure to select a template that speaks the language of your brand and gives voice to your message. Remember, a good video is not just the technical aspects and the know-how of your brand, it is also the solutions your brand and your content offers. Viewers stop at eye-catching content and dazzling visuals. Viewers stop at engaging captions and a well-written copy. So, keeping all these aspects in mind, move ahead! 

Step 2: Upload the Photos

In the next step, upload your photos on the template you have chosen. You can upload your own photos or choose from thousands of stock photos and videos. A professional Facebook video requires you to work with professional, high-quality photo and video clips.  

Step 3: Style and Customize 

Next, customize your video template as you like. Remember to create your Facebook video for sound off. It is found that most users do not turn on their audio while scrolling through Facebook, so it is important to plan this out.  Use dynamic text templates to include animated captions. Make sure your message is conveyed in a stylish manner to the viewers with the ProVideo Facebook video maker. 

Step 4: Save and Upload 

After giving the final touches to your video, download it and upload it to Facebook. With ProVideo, once you know how to crate a Facebook video, you can easily create multiple video campaigns for your brand and your page. 

Pro Tips to Make a Facebook Video

We never come without inspiration or tips for you! In your quest to know how to create a Facebook video, we are always with you with tips right here on our fingers (get it?)! Here are a few things you can take care of while making a Facebook video. 

1. Hook the viewer and catch their attention with a question or an action. Use action words to start the video.

2. Put your brand name and logo in the starting of the video so the viewers know what to expect.

3. Create engaging and most importantly short videos. People on the internet have a very short attention span and hence you need to send your message across in a very short time.

4. As mentioned above, text is important. Almost 80% of the viewers watch the videos on mute. Add text on the videos to reach the maximum audience.

5. Use the best of photos to create the Facebook video for your brand. 

Now you know how to create a Facebook video, you can apply your creative skills to good use. Boost your Facebook marketing with eye-catching videos.