Fun Polls to Do on Instagram to Engage Your Followers

Fun polls to do on Instagram, Polls to do on Instagram, Instagram story maker - ProVideo

Instagram is a fun place! You never know when your meme sharing turns into three hours of endless scrolling. But you can utilize it well for your business too! There is so much you can do with Instagram Stories itself. They are very engaging if used properly. One feature is Instagram polls. Here you can conduct polls for your followers and they can choose between two options. Read on to find some fun polls to do on Instagram and how you can create creative and interactive stories with ProVideo.

Fun Polls to Do on Instagram

Your content niche might vary, the content may vary, the brand vision may vary, the target audience may vary, but the end result you want is the same- engagement and in many cases, sales. When your followers feel a connection to you, when they know the face behind the brand, they feel closer to you. Long story short, Instagram is important. And it has to feel fun. So here is a list of some polls to do on Instagram:

Ask Easy Questions

Ask questions as a fun poll on Instagram story, Question and answers on Instagram story

The polls have to be obviously related to your brand but you can always start with easy and basic questions. Ask questions like ‘How was your weekend?’, ‘Any plans for the holidays?’, ‘what season do you prefer?’ and many other conversation starters. Keep two choices as the options which your followers can choose from.

Consider Their Opinion

Ask opinions on Instagram poll, Instagram story maker - ProVideo

Your followers follow you for a reason. They follow you for daily updates, entertainment, and content. So leave no stone unturned to make them feel valued. Ask what they want to see next. If you are promoting your products on Instagram, then ask what kind of products they would like in the future.

Speak Their Language

Talk in audience's language and tone in the poll, Instagram story making app - ProVideo

You probably know your target audience before. Whether they are young adults, millennials or office goers, or business owners, etc. so try and speak their language. Try to be relatable! ‘What time do you like to work out?’, ‘Coffee with sugar or without sugar?’, ‘Regular coke or Diet Coke?’, ‘Travel by own car or take the subway?’, ‘Instagram filters or Snapchat filters?’. These are some examples, but of course, it all depends on your own niche.

Build Up Curiosity

Build curiosity on Instagram poll, App for making Instagram stories - ProVideo

Along with fun polls to do on Instagram, you can also use them to generate buzz around your upcoming products and projects. ‘What do you think our next launch is?’, ‘Something exciting coming. Guess what it is’. Questions and polls like this will generate buzz and keep it going.

Generate New Content Ideas

Share poll for news content ideas, Instagram poll for new content ideas

Polls to do on Instagram are not only for engagement, they can be used to come up with new ideas. ‘What do you think our next video should be about?’, ‘Fall outfit ideas?’, ‘Fruit Juices or Smoothies for Breakfast?’, ‘Photo editing tips or Best Photo Editing Apps?’. Questions like these will give you an idea of what your followers are inclined towards. Hence you will get new content ideas that will strike a chord instantly!

How to Do Polls on Instagram?

Now that you have an idea as to what polls to do on Instagram, it is important to know how to put up polls. It is a very easy process. Once you have the poll question and the Instagram story ready, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram App.
  2. Swipe to the Stories section
  3. Upload the story from your gallery.
  4. Using the sticker options, select Polls
  5. Type your question in the given space.
  6. Type your choices in case you don’t want the default ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  7. Click on Done.
  8. Upload your story to Instagram

See that is how easy it is to upload a story with polls on Instagram. Now the last question remains, how to make your Instagram stories attractive enough that users stop and engage with them? The answer is ProVideo photo video maker. With its pre-designed templates and easy-to-use interface, you can design aesthetic and professional Instagram stories with ease.

How to Use ProVideo’s Instagram Templates?

1. Select a Suitable Template

You know about all the fun polls to do on Instagram. Now you need is a suitable template to work with so you can make creative Instagram stories that will instantly catch your attention. Choose from a suitable category and the Aspect ratio. ProVideo offers all the social media sizes you need for content creation.

2. Add Photos and Videos

Adding relevant photos and videos always catches the eye of the followers. Add the pictures or videos of the two options you are adding to the poll. Visuals are much better at catching attention.
Add your own photos or choose from the thousands of stock photos and videos.

3. Customize the Video

Make that template your own. If you want to add filters, stickers, or animated text, then go ahead. Although do not take away the attention from the actual poll. Keep it minimal. When you are satisfied with it, save and upload it to Instagram with the poll question.

That’s that!

Here you learned about the fun polls to do on Instagram and why you should utilize this feature in the first place. And how with ProVideo photo video maker you can make creative Instagram Stories! So go ahead, make the best use of social media now!