Creative Instagram story ideas for business and brand promotion

instagram story ideas for business

With half a billion people using the Instagram stories feature today, it is pretty clear how important they are for social engagement. Your social media content strategy is somewhat incomplete without Instagram stories. There is huge potential to tap into when it comes to brand promotion and product advertising through social media.

Realizing this, we bring to you Instagram story ideas for business. Also, with the best Instagram story maker ProVideo, you will have access to free Instagram story video templates.

Read on to get some creative ideas for your brand and how you can use Instagram in your best interests.

Why should you use Instagram video stories?

We thought you might ask that! You can simply upload a picture or put up your post in the story. But that is not enough. The length of Instagram story videos is 15 seconds. That is way better than an ordinary photo post.

When you use our free Instagram story video templates, you will see how easy it is to convey everything in just 15 seconds! When videos stay on the screen longer, more users are engaged.

With the best Instagram story maker ProVideo, you can easily crop, adjust, and trim your videos to make them stay in the screen space.

Instagram story ideas for business

Now that you know why exactly you should make Instagram story videos, we are here to give you all the inspiration you need for what to make. Free Instagram story video templates are available in ProVideo to help you curate the best content!

Post a poll

Polls, Ask me a Question, Emoji sliders are some features of Instagram, stories that add a personal touch to your brand. It shows that you care about your users. Make a video using our free Instagram story video templates and post it with any of the above-mentioned features.

New content

Coming up with a new product? Posting a new blog post? Post a teaser video in your Instagram story. This will keep the users curious about the upcoming content. With the best Instagram Story maker InstaShot, you can customize the video templates according to your needs!

Send a personal message

The list of Instagram story ideas for business is never complete without this one! Use the story feature to send a personal message for someone’s birthday. Brands can also use it to wish and cheer up their employees. Also, they can give shout-outs to their users for using their product or service.

Share a simple quote

When there is no potential video content to post, you can use this as one of the Instagram story ideas for business. Just post a simple motivational quote with aesthetic graphics.

Use Instagram stories as reminders

Having an Instagram Live scheduled? Or have a meet and greet? Remind your followers about such events through Instagram stories. Customize the templates by adding text.


So the next time you think of your social media content strategy, think of the best Instagram story maker InstaShot. We all have Instagram story ideas for business that you can incorporate!