Make your year in review video 2020 in minutes


2020 was far from great, that’s one thing we can agree on. Why would anyone want to revisit 2020 in a year in review video? Well, because it wasn’t great, that is why you need to celebrate the smallest of achievements in the year. 


On a personal level, it may be graduating from college, a new addition to the family, a milestone in a job or just documenting your year. On a professional level, it may be the fact how your business overcame the crisis, a new client, how your employees gave their best for the smooth functioning of the organization, and many others. 


Even the smallest achievements count, and hence a year in review video is the best way to wrap this exhausting year. Remembering your milestones and how you survived a global pandemic should definitely be documented in a video. You can watch it some time from now and be proud of yourself! 


Make year in review video for yourself 


A year in review video consists of all the memorable moments you have had in the past months. But just putting a bunch of photos and videos is not at all fun. Put your creativity to some use! Put aside your photos and videos you think should go in the review video and then follow these steps. 


  • Select the suitable template 


Selecting a template for the purpose of making a year in review video is important. ProVideo photo video maker has numerous templates that you can use. For example,  you can choose one of the Storytelling templates for this purpose. Also, select a suitable Aspect Ratio or choose from the preset social media sizes. 


  • Customize the template 


Upload your photos in the chosen template and add then get ready to witness the magic. The number of customizations you can do with ProVideo photo video maker will leave you stunned. Add your choice of text, background music, transitions, and much more. 


  • Save and share 


When you are satisfied with the video, save it on your device. Upload it on social media if you want or keep it for yourself. 


Make year in review video for your brand 


A year in review video for a brand or a business may consist of all the small and big achievements of the year. Your video can include any new products that you launched, an activity you took up, employee testimonials, customer testimonials, and much more. 


The process for making a year in review video for brands and businesses is almost the same as mentioned above. But, you can use different templates, specially designed for professional purposes. 


  • Choose a template 


Choose a business or promotion template for making the video. Select the appropriate size and layout for the video. If you want to post on various platforms, consider the size that suits your purpose. 


  • Customize the template 


Add the photos and videos in the template. With a professional font, write the organization’s name, tag line, and put the logo for easier comprehension. Use high-quality pictures and videos in your year in review video. You can even share text testimonials from your employees as well as customers. 

In case you want to use voice over for your video, you can do that too with ProVideo. 


  • Save and Share 


When you are satisfied with the result, save the video to your device and upload it on important social media platforms. If you have a website, upload it there too. With ProVideo, you can make videos to suit all digital platforms. 


This is how you can put your creativity to work, even when you have minimal designing experience. ProVideo photo video maker has templates that are designed by experts so that you don’t have to do much thinking. So round up your year in a video now!