How to Add Text to a Video Scene?

Text in video, Video having text, Extra text, Add more text in video, ProVideo

Do you ever wonder how to add text in a video scene while making one in ProVideo?

Well, let us tell you, it is quite a simple process of a few steps. Here, in this write-up, we will share with you all those steps. Following them, you can incorporate more text in a scene in your video in ProVideo. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

How to Add Text in a Video Scene in ProVideo?

Videos nowadays are very high in demand. They are the most popular and consumed form of content out of all. And when the right amount of text is there, in them, they perform wonders. They work excellently in catching the maximum viewers’ attention. 

A Video With Text

In ProVideo, whether you create a video using a template or, from scratch, you already get the space for text. Nevertheless, you can include more in a particular scene. 

Let’s learn how you can do it all: 

Step 1: Choose a Template

Open the ProVideo iOS app or ProVideo Web on your device. Then, visit your Dashboard and either pick a template or create from scratch.

Step 2: Insert the Text & Customize

Select the ‘Text’ tool present on the panel containing all the editing options. A new panel with more options will then appear. It has three basic alternatives at the top for adding text – Add a heading, Add a sub-heading, and Add a body. You can choose any by clicking on it. A text box for the same will show up on your video. You can then insert the required text in it and edit it. Besides the heading, sub-heading, and body, you get to add text in more different ways using text templates, which include Title, SubText, Shop, Highlight, Caption, and Social. Choose any of your choices and make a selection from it. Your chosen one will show up on the video. 

For customization, click on any text box anytime to change its position by dragging it from any of the corners. On clicking the text box one more time, you’ll see another panel with various options for editing the text. Format your text as you like from there. 

Step 3: Preview and Download or Save

Done with all, preview your video to see if everything turns out fine, just as you expected it to be. 

Lastly, click on ‘Save’ to have the video available on your ProVideo Dashboard. If you wish to download the video on your device, click on ‘Export.’

Make a Video Scene Better With Text in ProVideo!

Learning how to add text in a video scene is no rocket science! If you follow the steps mentioned above carefully, it will seem to be the easiest thing you have ever done!

Don’t believe us?

Try yourself; you’ll surely be surprised!