How to Do Text Animations in Your Video in ProVideo?

How to do text animations?, Create animated text videos, Try the best video text animation app - ProVideo

Gone are the days when either professional yet equally complex video editors or software were in trend for text animation. Now, with ProVideo animated text maker providing absolute flexibility, comprehensiveness, and user-friendliness, you can very easily add animation effects to text. But, the question is, how to do so?

Don’t worry; we will explain all about it in this write-up ahead. Let’s get started!

How to Use ProVideo Animated Text Maker?

What is Text Animation? 

Animation lets you put your letters, words, sentences, or paragraphs into action. Your text with animation adapts a particular motion. It then may move in the video or make a dramatic entry/exit, depending upon what animation effect has been applied to it. 

Text Animation Video

The text animation makes your video look more polished. This makes the video look engaging, thus driving extra attention from the audience. 

How to Apply Text Animations in ProVideo Animated Text Maker?

Add pep to your text with a variety of animations available in the ProVideo text animation app in a few minutes only. Here are the steps to apply animation to your text in ProVideo:

Step 1: Get the Process Started

The first and foremost step is to start with video-making. Open the ProVideo iOS app or ProVideo Web on your device. For animating your text, you need a canvas, i.e., a blank video. Click on ‘Start a new video’ on your Dashboard. Then tap on ‘Create from scratch’ at the bottom. If you choose a template, you won’t be able to animate the text that arrives with the template; it already comes animated. However, you can add new text to the template and animate it. 

Make a video with text animation in ProVideo video maker, Choose an editable video template, Create a video from scratchVideo Making in ProVideo From Scratch or Using Template

Step 2: Add the Text 

Once you have your canvas ready, add the required elements such as image, background, etc., followed by the text. To add text, click on ‘Text.’ Either choose the already animated text effects from different types of text categories or add a new heading, sub-heading, or body and animate it as you like. You can add text on It is better to put all the text you want before starting to animate. This will help in focusing on the animation in one go.  

Add text to video using the Text tool in ProVideo, Add a heading, sub-heading, or body, Also choose from different text typesAdding Text to Video in ProVideo

Step 3: Animate the Text

Now that you’ve inserted the text in the video, you can animate it. The animated text effects from text categories don’t require any further animation. They already come animated as typing text animation effect, drop down text animation effect, and many more. However, if you have added text as a heading, sub-heading, or body, animate it by clicking on its text box. As soon as you click, a new panel will appear. Over there, you’ll see three options – Edit, Adjust, Animate. For applying animation, click on ‘Animate.’ Browse through all the available animation options for ‘In,’ ‘Out,’ and ‘Overall.’ When you wish to add any, simply tap on it. Choose a proper direction as well for the desired impact. 

Animate the text in video with the 'Animate' option in ProVideo, Apply the 'In,' 'Out,' or 'Overall' animation to the textAnimating Text in Video in ProVideo

Step 4: Preview and Save

Done with animating the text, preview it once to see how it works with all other elements. Make any necessary changes, if required. Then, click on ‘Save.’ This will put the video on your ProVideo Dashboard for anytime accessibility. You can also come back later and edit the video again. However, if you wish to download the video to your device then and there, click on ‘Export.’ 

Preview the video, Click on 'Save' to add video on ProVideo Dashboard, Click on 'Export' to download the video and share it Previewing & Saving Video in ProVideo

You Now Know it All About Text Animations! 

With the ProVideo video-making app, you can experiment as much as you like with the text. There is everything there to make it look gripping!

And speaking of text, now that you are aware of how to conduct text animations in ProVideo animated text maker, surely give it a try! Make the text in your video speak beautifully for itself!