Make the Text Add More to Your Video By Editing & Adjusting It!

Text Editing, Text Adjustment, Editing & Adjusting Text, Customizing Text, ProVideo

The text in the video makes it more engaging and compelling. But when that text gets edited and adjusted rightly to vibe with all other elements, the video becomes magnificent! It then becomes capable of achieving spectacular results. In ProVideo video maker, you can edit the text in video and adjust it very well. 

Ahead in this guide, we will tell you how to edit text and adjust it in ProVideo. Keep scrolling to find out!

How to Edit Text in Video and Adjust it in ProVideo? 

Knowing the editing and adjusting while actually carrying them out are two different things. You must first learn about them in order to perform them. 

Let’s go through both the sections mentioned right above in detail. 

What is Editing & Adjusting the Text?

Text editing is working on the appearance of the text. It is formatting the text based on font size, style, and color. You get to arrange the text as well, along with managing the spacing. It also involves adding or removing letters, words, and sentences as your need demands.

Editing Text in a Video

On the other hand, adjusting the text involves positioning it appropriately. Through adjustment, you get to move it in a particular place or align it anywhere you want in the video.

Adjusting Text in a Video

Steps to Edit & Adjust Text in ProVideo

Now that you know what text editing and adjusting are, it’s time to see how to edit the text in video and adjust it in ProVideo!

The process is utterly simple and effective in ProVideo. You can bring your ideas and imagination to reality very easily. The results as well are always incredibly amazing. 

Here are the steps you have to follow to achieve it all: 

Step 1: Open the ProVideo iOS app or ProVideo Web on your device. Go to your Dashboard to start video making with either a template or from scratch. 

Step 2: Add all the text you want or need first. Do so by selecting the ‘Text’ option. Post this you can move on to editing and adjusting the same. 

Step 3: Now, for desired online video text editing and adjusting, click on any text you want to work on. A new panel with the options ‘Edit’ and ‘Adjust’ will then appear.

Step 4: Choose either ‘Edit’ or ‘Adjust’ as per your requirement to work with it. 

  • Edit: Modify the text’s opacity to make it look transparent or opaque as desired. Change the font size, style, and color, underline the text, change the letter or line spacing, and much more. 

Text Editing, Text Adjustment, Editing & Adjusting Text, Customizing Text, ProVideoEditing Text in ProVideo

  • Adjust: Rotate or align the text wherever you like.

Text Editing, Text Adjustment, Editing & Adjusting Text, Customizing Text, ProVideoAdjusting Text in ProVideo

Step 5: Once you are done with editing and adjusting all the text, preview it. 

Step 6: Then, click on ‘Save’ to make the video available on your ProVideo Dashboard. If you wish to download the video on your device, click on ‘Export.’

Make the Text in Your Video Remarkably Catchy by Editing & Adjusting it!

The text alone may not be captivating enough. However, when included in a video with proper editing and adjustment, it really stands out. It contributes profoundly to the video’s success, thus letting you enjoy the intended effect!

The information above sums up all about how to edit the text in video and adjust it in ProVideo. Post going through it, try them according to your video’s need!