Edit Videos to Add Text to Them With ProVideo!

Add text to videos, videos with text, ProVideo

When people watch a video, they look for many elements. Supposedly, how long it is, whether it seems intriguing enough to continue, and so on. One aspect that viewers may not notice initially but definitely look for at some point in time in the video is the text. That being so, you must know how to do video editing to add text to your videos!

In this digital era, text alone may fail to impart an impression of excitement. But when combined in a video, it adds more to it. The text, when added to a video, makes it more understandable, engaging, and persuasive. 

Video With Text

When creating your videos with ProVideo, you can very easily add the text anywhere you want. 

Let’s learn how!

How to Do Video Editing to Add Text to Videos in ProVideo?

You may want to put the text on the template or on the video you create from scratch. You may also wish to add it to any media (image/video clip) or the background. No matter what the choice remains, the steps to add text to video online in ProVideo are the same for all. 

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Open the ProVideo iOS app or ProVideo Web on your device. 

Step 2: Consider the following scenarios to learn how to add text in a video in ProVideo:

  • Templates: If you want to add text to a template, get started with a template. Make sure to choose a suitable layout. While the template may already have the text space, you can add more.

Text on Template

  • Creating a Video from Scratch: If you plan to add text to a video created from scratch, select the option, ‘Start a new video’ followed by ‘Create from scratch’ first. Then you can move onto adding text.

Text on Video Created from Scratch

  • Media: In order to add text to any media (image/video clip), you have to upload them onto a scene. You can choose either from the Stock or upload any of your own. 

Text on images, Text on video clips, Text on mediaText on Media 

  • Background: To add text to a background, firstly, apply one. Do so from the option of ‘Background.’ 

Text on background, Background with text, ProVideo, Text on the Background

Step 3: Select ‘Text’ present on the panel containing all the other editing options. 

Step 4: A new panel with primary options of ‘Add a heading,’ ‘Add a sub-heading,’ and ‘Add a body’ will appear. Choose any as per your requirement. You can further pick any specific text type from the mentioned categories. These categories include – Title, SubText, Shop, Highlight, Caption, and Social as well. 

Step 5: A text box, as per your selection, will then show up on the selected scene. Click on it to place it anywhere you want on the template, video canvas, media, or background. You can adjust and move the text box by clicking on its edges. You can place it in another way as well by clicking inside the box, holding that click, and dragging it wherever desired. 

Step 6: Click on the text box again to view more editing options. You can edit the text, along with adjusting or replacing it.

Step 7: Done with everything, preview your video to check how the edits look. 

Step 8: Lastly, click on ‘Save’ to have the video available on your ProVideo Dashboard. If you wish to download the video on your device, click on ‘Export.’

Create Compelling Videos With the Touch of the Text!

These steps explain all about how to do editing to add text to your videos in ProVideo.

Make sure you go through them thoroughly and perform the same carefully. Also, don’t forget to edit the text. Editing rightly makes it match the overall mood and tone of your video.